Exploring Next.js Fast Refresh: Real-time React Component Editing Made Easy

Sunny Yadav
3 min readMar 31, 2024

Have you ever wondered at how your website’s UI updates when you change your code and hit save? Let’s dive deeper into this, focusing on fast refresh and its role in Next.js-based projects.


In the world of web development, instant feedback on code changes is like a boon. Thanks to Next.js Fast Refresh, this magic becomes a reality. Fast Refresh, a feature integrated into Next.js applications from version 9.4 onwards, revolutionizes React component editing by providing lightning-fast updates without sacrificing component state. Let’s dive into the workings of Fast Refresh and how it enhances the development experience.

  1. The Power of Fast Refresh:
  • Fast Refresh is Next.js’s answer to the need for rapid feedback during React component development.
  • It enables developers to witness most edits reflected on the UI within a second, maintaining the component’s state intact.
  • Whether it’s tweaking styles, altering rendering logic, or refining event handlers, Fast Refresh ensures that changes are seamlessly propagated to the UI.

2. Understanding How It Works:

  • Fast Refresh operates by intelligently detecting changes in React components and updating only the affected parts.
  • When a file containing React component(s) is modified, Fast Refresh swiftly replaces the old code with the new one, triggering a re-render of the component.
  • Modifications to files that export non-React components prompt Fast Refresh to re-run both the edited file and the files importing it, ensuring consistent updates across the application.
  • In cases where a file is imported by non-React components, Fast Refresh gracefully falls back to a full reload to maintain application integrity.

3. Error Resilience:

  • Fast Refresh demonstrates resilience in handling both syntax errors and runtime errors during development.
  • Syntax errors are seamlessly resolved upon fixing and saving the file, without necessitating a manual reload. Component state remains unaffected throughout this process.
  • Runtime errors are accompanied by contextual overlays, facilitating quick identification and resolution. Once resolved, the overlay disappears automatically, preserving the component’s state.
  • Error boundaries play a crucial role in gracefully handling rendering errors, preventing the application from resetting to its initial state unnecessarily.

4. Tips and Considerations:

  • Fast Refresh prioritizes preserving local state in function components and Hooks, excluding class components.
  • Developers can force a component remount by adding a special directive, // @refresh reset, in the edited file, useful for scenarios like tweaking mount animations.
  • Consistency in imports is emphasized to prevent refresh failures, especially when dealing with case sensitivity.
  • Despite occasional re-running of Hooks with dependencies during Fast Refresh, writing resilient code remains imperative for better code maintainability and compatibility with React Strict Mode.


Next.js Fast Refresh makes coding React components super easy. It quickly shows updates and handles errors well, making coding smoother. If developers understand how it works and follow good practices, they’ll enjoy using Fast Refresh, making coding a lot simpler.

There is one more concept that is used for refreshing the UI without reloading the tab, i.e Hot Module Replacement(HMR).

  • HMR is a feature provided by tools like webpack, which is a module bundler commonly used in React-based projects.
  • HMR allows developers to see changes they make to their code reflected instantly in the running application, without needing to perform a full page reload.
  • When a file is modified, HMR identifies the changes and updates only the affected modules, preserving the application’s state.
  • HMR primarily focuses on updating modules and ensuring that the application remains responsive and interactive during development.

While HMR and Fast Refresh share the goal of providing instant updates during development, Fast Refresh is more specialized for React components and is integrated directly into Next.js, whereas HMR is a broader concept that applies to module bundlers like webpack. In Next.js projects, Fast Refresh leverages HMR under the hood to achieve its real-time updating capabilities for React components.

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Sunny Yadav

Frontend engineer. Loves clean code & user-friendly design. Proficient in HTML, CSS, JS, TS, React.JS and Next.JS. Constantly learning